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Software and data resources

    • Description: The uima-common package aims at assembling common and generic code snippets that can be usefully reused in several distinct UIMA developments (like analysis engine or any application).
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • Description: UIMA-connectors aims mainly at offering solutions to build the bridge between some text language formats and the UIMA structure data, namely the CAS. In comparison, the Tika project aims at detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various type MIME documents. UIMA-connectors is more dedicated to perfom mapping from/to text formats to/from CAS, providing solutions for handling language formats such as eXtended Markup Language (XML), Comma Separated Value (CSV), whitespace token and newline sentence… or applications of these formats such as Message Understanding Conferences (MUC)…
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • Description: For now, UIMA Text Segmenter is a UIMA wrapper for the java implementations of the segmentation algorithms C99 and TextTiling?, written by Freddy Choi, and used in the experiments described in choi_2000naacl (see wiki pages). These algorithms offer a text segmentation analysis at the discourse level essentially based on lexical cohesion measures.
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • Description: This UIMA Analysis Engine (AE) allows you to run Shell command over a Common Analysis Structure (CAS) element ( view or annotation ) and to store the result either as a new view or a new annotation. It mainly aims at running within a UIMA aggregate processing chain some external tools available via command line. These tools should perform their processing by taking the input as a file name parameter or a standard input ( stdin ) and produce the result via the standard output ( stdout ).).
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • Description: This project offers a software solution to create (we say also _map_ ), update or delete annotations according to rules expressed over other annotation patterns. One major use case is to ensure permit type system interoperability by offering mechanisms to transform anotations to anothers. This is a rule-based system. The rules are expressed thanks to the W3C XPath language. The processor is based on the Apache JXPath engine and the type system agnostic ability is made possible thanks to the Java Sun java.lang.reflex API.
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • Description: The UIMA Advanced Web REST Server is intended to be a web workflow editor. Initially based on the Simple Server (UIMA REST Service). It is a Java Web application for managing UIMA processing by RESTful service.
    • License: Apache 2
    • Description: A Prolog Implementation of the Wumpus World described in RUSSEL and NORVIG'S Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 6.2, 7.2, 7.3
    • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
    • Last release: 080225
    • Description: SGML-SK (Swiss Knife) Tokenize, filter, index, merge tags of SGML documents and make them XML well-formed
    • System: Testé sous Ubuntu
    • License: CeCILL
    • Last release: 071203
    • Description: LinguaStream plugin Runtime Exec (accroître les moyens d’interaction de LS avec le système d'exploitation et les logiciels disponibles en ligne de commande tels que cat, echo, find, env, grep, netcat, ssh, perl… )
    • System: Testé sous Ubuntu
    • License:
    • Last release: 071106

resources/home.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/16 22:29 (external edit)
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