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Outil de veille (surveillance de page web, flux RSS ...)

Tous les outils de veille listés ci-dessous sont free

Monitoring tool System dependant Input Output Period URL More details Comment
alerte google web (user account need) mots clefs alert mail day/event/actuality http://www.google.com/alerts?hl=fr Alertes Google envoyées par courrier électronique quand des articles (de G. News) sont publiés en ligne correspondent aux sujets que vous indiquez. explore the web but alert by mailing
webvigie web (no user account need) url alert mail any 5 days from 1 to 12 month http://www.digipills.com/webvigie/ surveille le web et vous avertit par mail lorsque le contenu d'une page a changé Alert weakness + anyone can subscribe4U
Page2RSS web (no user account need) url RSS http://page2rss.com/ Create an RSS feed for any web page . It is a service that helps you monitor web sites that do not publish feeds. It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS aggregator. great with RSS Rearder
sage firefox ext. RSS Reader
wizz firefox ext. RSS Reader / RSS Monitoring
mailbucket web mail RSS http://www.mailbucket.org/ MailBucket is an experiment in alternative methods of email management. For now its only feature is a public email-to-RSS gateway: forward your email to slurp@mailbucket.org and have your news reader pick it up at mailbucket.org/slurp.xml (where you choose slurp, having checked that it's not already in use). similar to Mail2RSS.org which is depreciated
cron, wget, comp soft *nux url alert scripts to write, no visualize tool
mozilla soft *nux/win url alert constraint on weekday and hours http://www.mozilla-europe.org/fr/ Créer un signet pour la page à surveiller, puis ensuite sélectionner l’option “gérer les signets”. Après avoir sélectionné un signet, cliquez sur le bouton “propriétés”. En utilisant les onglets “Planification” et “Notification”, il est alors possible de déterminer la périodicité et l’heure de surveillance, ainsi que la méthode d’alerte : simple son, changement d’icône du signet, chargement automatique de la page dans une nouvelle fenêtre ou envoi d’un email…
newzie soft win url alerte + aide à la visualisation http://www.newzie.com/ rich-featured news aggregator
del.icio.us web (user account need) url http://del.icio.us/ social bookmarking, A tag is simply a word you use to describe a bookmark. Unlike folders, you make up tags when you need them and you can use as many as you like. The result is a better way to organize your bookmarks and a great way to discover interesting things on the Web. Keep all your bookmarks in delicious and access them from home, office, anywhere. Share your bookmarks with family, friends, and colleagues. Discover new sites from the delicious community (browse, find, get recommendations).
thewebwatcher web (user account need) url and RSS (filtered by keywords) alert, visu, to several people http://www.thewebwatcher.com/ content monitoring service that periodically watches web pages, web sites and other Internet resources for keyword related content or changes. Supported are HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS protocols. rich
WatchThatPage web (user account need) url web interface http://www.watchthatpage.com/ WatchThatPage is a service that enables you to automatically collect new information from your favorite pages on the Internet. You select which pages to monitor, and WatchThatPage will find which pages have changed, and collect all the new content for you. The new information is presented to you in an email and/or a personal web page. You can specify when the changes will be collected, so they are fresh when you want to read them. The service is free!* simple
Notify Firefox Extension url alert http://notify.torino.pl/en/doc.php Imagine a Firefox extension, which will: notify you when selected Internet pages change and open pages at a chosen time Alert weakness
Check4Change Firefox Extension url alert 15s to 1h https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/3028Check4Change (aka C4C) is a simple extension that allows you to periodically check a web-page for updates Alert weakness
Page Update Checker Firefox Extension url alert https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/920 Tired of clicking the reload button?… Page Update Checker (aka PUC – pronounced "Puke") is a FireFox extension that automatically checks to see if web pages have changed. Alert weakness
BookmarksHome Firefox Extension url http://extensions.geckozone.org/BookmarksHome/ crée automatiquement une jolie page d'accueil avec vos marque-pagesdepreciated

* dans Firefox, CTRL + B : rechercher dans bookmarks

  • alert: pop up, sound, bring to front, open the page

un mail2RSS serait pas mal

misc/webrsswhatcher.txt · Last modified: 2010/05/13 12:35 (external edit)
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